30 Rock Boffers

For all of those jokes you didn’t get and those things you never noticed about 30 Rock!

Dr. Space-man! July 30, 2007

Filed under: Dr. Leo Spaceman — Popular Inquirer @ 3:27 am

– Is Tracy’s doctor

– Is trusted by Jack

– Believes medicine is not a science (Ep.7)

– Has wildly experimental treatments (Ep.7)

– Is also a dentist (Ep.7)


Episode 7. Tracy Does Conan

Filed under: Episode Trivia — Popular Inquirer @ 3:13 am

Bode Miller is an American alpine skier.

The movie time stamp says C. Affleck (perhaps a reference to Casey Affleck) and Tom Houghton (was cinematographer for this episode of 30 Rock).

Stone Phillips is an anchor on “Dateline NBC”.

ShopRite is a supermarket chain.

David Hasselhoff is a judge on NBC’s America’s Got Talent.

Conan calls Jack a “black Irish bastard”.

Bryn Mawr is a college in Pennsylvania.

Does giving blood burn calories? According to the Mayo Clinic, it does!

There is a GE toaster in back of Pete in Jack’s office.

Liz tells Kenneth to go to 46th and 8th. There doesn’t seem to be much there.

Jenna prettier than Debra Messing?

When Dennis is talking to Liz about buying concert tickets, he’s standing near Best Value Electronics – 6 W 14th St.

Tracy acts like Chewbacca – one of many Star Wars references in this series.


Episode 6. Jack Meets Dennis July 29, 2007

Filed under: Episode Trivia — Popular Inquirer @ 5:24 pm

Natalie Morales is a National Correspondent for “Today” on MSNBC.

According to a quick search done on Google, there are still several stores that appear to sell beepers.

The song that Liz sings when Jack walks into her office is called “Maybe” and is from the musical Annie.

Stone restaurant doesn’t appear to exist…perhaps it’s just unlisted.

Jack Welch was the CEO of GE.

007, like Jack, often wore tuxedos.

Dennis’ tie is a clip-on.

There really are a lot of rats in New York City.

There are beauty products with shark chondroitin in them.

Rat kings might be real!

Liz Taylor scream “White diamonds!” This is her perfume line.

James Blunt doesn’t have a lot of hit songs to sing.

When Liz enters Tracy’s dressing room when he’s sleeping, a Who Dat Ninja poster is near the door (though “ninja” appears to be spelled wrong).

Wayne Brady has won Emmy’s for “The Wayne Brady Show” and “Whose Line Is It Anyway”.

August Wilson
is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American playwright.

The New York Islanders don’t have a very good record.


Episode 5. Jack-Tor

Filed under: Episode Trivia — Popular Inquirer @ 4:30 am

Tracy says he’s got to go to Damon Dash’s birthday party.

While Jack is speaking with the writers about product integration, Liz exclaims “We’re not your shills.” A shill is a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

Jack sarcastically says the writers are artists like James Joyce (one of the most influential writers of the 20th century) and August Strindberg (one of the fathers of modern theatre).

According to this, Holland’s national dog is the Keeshond.

Frank says he’s got a friend in accounting named Lando Calrissian. Lando is a fictional character from Star Wars.

In 1999, Sweden graduated about 41% of students from secondary schools. According to this, in 2001, Philadelphia graduated about 70%. Chicago, the study found, graduates 47 percent of its students; New York, 54 percent; and Los Angeles, 56 percent.

See a clip of Nixon’s “Sock it to me”!

When Jack says to Liz, “You’re such a Monica” he’s referring to Monica on Friends.

When Liz talks to Tracy, there’s a picture in his dressing room which looks like Tracy on Conan O’Brien.


About Cerie

Filed under: Cerie — Popular Inquirer @ 4:14 am

– Only dates guys who drink Snapple (Ep.5)

– Her mom is about 38 (Ep.6)


General 30 Rock Trivia

Filed under: Episode Trivia — Popular Inquirer @ 1:19 am

In the opening credits, there is a crest that reads “dieu et mon droit”. This translates to “God and my right”. This is at 620 5th Ave on the British Empire Building.

There are lots of references to Star Wars and politics throughout the episodes.

Many names that are affiliated with NBC are mentioned in the show.


Episode 4. Jack the Writer

Filed under: Episode Trivia — Popular Inquirer @ 1:13 am

During the 1-minute dance party, the writers dance to “Grown and Sexy” (Chamillionaire).

Learn more about six sigma!

Frank thinks that six sigma is a special type of GI JOE. Although there is no “six sigma” GI JOE, there are a bunch of special ones.

Jack’s story in the writer’s room mentions “Brokaw”. Tom Brokaw is a former NBC news anchor.

Yankee Stadium is about 8 miles away from 30 Rock. This is about 17 minutes if driving.

Jack says he was at a luncheon for Ann Coulter’s 60th birthday. Ann Coulter was born in 1961, making her about 46 years old.

When Liz and Pete talk about going to apologize to Jack, Pete presses the down button on the elevator, but Liz says she hates going “up to Jack’s office.”

Much of Liz and Pete’s conversation before going to Jack’s office references Star Wars.

On his bike ride home, Kenneth sings “There’s No Business Like Show Business”.


Liz Lemon Info July 28, 2007

Filed under: Liz Lemon — Popular Inquirer @ 11:19 pm

– Moved from Chicago (Ep.1)

– Went to White Haven High School (Ep.3)

– Taught improv to senior citizens (Ep.4)

– Had boobs humped on jumbo screen by Dennis during the playoffs (Ep.6)

– Is 35, single, has no children, and has had 3 sexual partners in the last 10 years (Ep.7)

– Is left-handed

– Lives in apt. 3B (Ep.8)


Cute, Innocent Josh

Filed under: Josh Girard — Popular Inquirer @ 11:13 pm

– Got a 760 on his SATs and graduated from SUNY Cortland. (Ep.2)

– Ate a club sandwich with the toothpick still in it (Ep.5)

– Loves Liz Taylor and was beaten up by her (Ep.6)

– Was raised as a girl for about 10 years (Ep.8)



Filed under: Tracy Jordan — Popular Inquirer @ 11:10 pm

– Got arrested for walking naked through La Guardia. (Ep.2)

– Once fell asleep on Ted Danson’s roof. (Ep.2) In episode 1, we learn that Tracy once fell asleep on a neighbor’s roof. Are Tracy and Ted Danson neighbors?

– Bit Dakota Fanning (the child star) on the face. (Ep.2)

– Doesn’t believe in one-way streets, not between people, and not while driving (Ep.4)

– Has a column in Ebony called Musings (Ep.5)

– Once shot a whole movie without ever getting out of his car (Ep.5)

– Owes $75,000 cash to Quincy Jones (Ep.6)

– Him and his wife like to play rape, likes to walk around his house naked, met Sharon Stone while pooping in the ladies room at the Ivy (perhaps this Ivy) (Ep.7)

– Thinks the moon is a spy satellite put there by Oprah and Minister Farrakhan, but not the Minister Farrakhan that we’re thinking of (Ep.7)

– Is on neuroleptics and tricyclics (Ep.7)