30 Rock Boffers

For all of those jokes you didn’t get and those things you never noticed about 30 Rock!

Tracy July 28, 2007

Filed under: Tracy Jordan — Popular Inquirer @ 11:10 pm

– Got arrested for walking naked through La Guardia. (Ep.2)

– Once fell asleep on Ted Danson’s roof. (Ep.2) In episode 1, we learn that Tracy once fell asleep on a neighbor’s roof. Are Tracy and Ted Danson neighbors?

– Bit Dakota Fanning (the child star) on the face. (Ep.2)

– Doesn’t believe in one-way streets, not between people, and not while driving (Ep.4)

– Has a column in Ebony called Musings (Ep.5)

– Once shot a whole movie without ever getting out of his car (Ep.5)

– Owes $75,000 cash to Quincy Jones (Ep.6)

– Him and his wife like to play rape, likes to walk around his house naked, met Sharon Stone while pooping in the ladies room at the Ivy (perhaps this Ivy) (Ep.7)

– Thinks the moon is a spy satellite put there by Oprah and Minister Farrakhan, but not the Minister Farrakhan that we’re thinking of (Ep.7)

– Is on neuroleptics and tricyclics (Ep.7)



Tracy’s Movies July 25, 2007

Filed under: Tracy Jordan — Chloe Silverado @ 7:12 pm

– Fat Bitch

– Honky Grandma Be Trippin’

– Black Cop, White Cop

– Who Dat Ninja?

– President Homeboy (Ep.7)