30 Rock Boffers

For all of those jokes you didn’t get and those things you never noticed about 30 Rock!

Frank Trivia July 25, 2007

Filed under: Frank Rossitano — Popular Inquirer @ 7:25 pm

– Owns every copy of Black Tail Magazine ever published (Ep.2)


Tracy’s Movies

Filed under: Tracy Jordan — Chloe Silverado @ 7:12 pm

– Fat Bitch

– Honky Grandma Be Trippin’

– Black Cop, White Cop

– Who Dat Ninja?

– President Homeboy (Ep.7)


Episode 1. Pilot

Filed under: Episode Trivia — Popular Inquirer @ 7:07 pm

Tina spends 150 bucks on hot dogs. This means the hot dogs are about $$$ each so she bought ## hot dogs.

Toofer mentions how he’d like a samovar – Samovar

NBC Studio tours are available! More info here!

Jack’s office is on th 50th floor of 30 Rock.

Jack mentions that he is the new VP of Development for GE/Universal/K-Mart. GE doesn’t own K-mart.

The GE trivection oven is real!

Jack describes Liz as a 3rd wave feminist.

Jenna uses hemorrhoid cream to keep puffiness from under her eyes. According to this website, it does not work.

Tracy is seen running around in his underpants on “the 405” screaming “I am a Jedi!” The 405 is the San Diego Freeway.

When speaking of Tracy, Jack mentions that it is not a crime to fall asleep on neighbor’s roof.

Liz and Tracy meet at Alfredo’s restaurant.

Liz asks the Lee (the costume guy) for some clothes. Lee gives Liz a matronly dress suit and says “Laura Bush is your size.” Evidently, during the 2001 Inauguration, Laura Bush was a size 8.

Liz thinks she looks like the President of the Philippines. Maybe she has a point.

The diner where Tracy takes Liz for lunch is actually the M & G Diner, located at 383 125th St. NY, NY.

Tracy sings Love is a Battlefield (Pat Benetar) in the topless bar, Dark Sensations.

Tracy was in Scottie Pippen’s wedding (former Chicago Bulls basketball player).


Frank’s Hats

Filed under: Frank Rossitano — Popular Inquirer @ 7:05 pm

Ep.1 – Done Deal

Ep.2 – Ninja Expert

Ep.3 – Extra Sausage, Double Cheese, Joystick Master

Ep.4 – Ninja Expert, Arcade Champ, Bigfoot Expert

Ep.5 – Hand Held

Ep.6 – Joystick Master

Ep.7 – Bigfoot Expert

Ep.8 – Over Easy, ESP Tutor , Kung Fu Beech

Ep.9 – Rods

Ep.10 – Karate Sluts

Ep.11 – Smells

Ep.12 – High Score (? to be verified)

Ep.13 – Extra Cheese

Ep.14 – 1,000,000 Points

Ep.15 – Squeeze It (? to be verified)

Ep.16 – Cool As Ice

Ep.17 – Liz Rocks

Ep. 18 – Mash Potatos, Beef Ravioli

Ep. 19 – Mystery Solver

Ep. 20 – Alabama Legsweep

Ep. 21 – Force Field